Francesca Raimondi

Asst Papa Giovanni Xxiii Bergamo


I am a pediatric cardiologist interested and involved in noninvasive cardiac imaging ever since the beginning of my career.


I had the opportunity to lead the Cardiac MR and CT scan activity in Paris at Hôpital Necker from 2012 to 2021.


This was followed by the Unit of Non Invasive Cardiovascular Imaging in Florence, at Meyer Hospital. Finally, in July 2023, I took the Direction of Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology Unit at Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo, and the role of professor in Pediatric Cardiology at University of Brescia for 2022-2023 academic year.

I have committed a lot of effort to scientific research in many fields of cardiac MRI, building and supporting many international collaborations in Europe and the USA. I have also been involved in international scientific societies (SCMR, EACVI, AEPC), promoting education and scientific collaborations.

I had the honor to be nominated Chair 2022-2023 of Ped/CHD steering committee.

I am also MRI liaison of the AEPC